Author: Thonk Synth
Serge Resonant EQ – PRE-ORDER
We hadn’t expected to have these kits finalised before Xmas… but we do! We are only producing a limited run of these right now as they are very time-consuming to produce. Click through to purchase.
Last ordering for 2015
LAST UK ORDER DATE FOR XMAS – Monday 21st December by 6pm (according to Royal Mail estimate of parcels arriving by Xmas eve)
LAST ORDER DATE WORLDWIDE FOR 2015 SHIPPING – Tuesday 22nd December by 6pm. All orders placed after this time will start shipping in the week commencing Monday January 4th 2016.
Free UK Shipping – Friday 18th December
Free UK shipping on all orders from NOW until midnight on Friday 18th December
Serge SSG and RYO Penta
USA and Canada Free Shipping Deal
Free shipping deal for US and Canadian customers – Runs 5am to 12pm PST Wednesday 8th December 2015
Sale and Free Shipping
RYO Aperture Demo
Nice demo of this tasty low pass gate and filter module, kits in stock here.
Xmas shipping dates and Free Shipping deal
You can check out the last suggested dates for Xmas shipping here.
Also, heads up! We are having an European free shipping promotion next weekend (EU only), it starts Friday 27th Nov and runs for a day or two.
T-shirts Half Price
Just a few left now, get them here. Bit cold for T-shirts.
Crazy amount of brand new full kits in stock this week. Say hello to Bastl Instruments!
Peterborough Modular Meet
Modular Meet and Gig in Peterborough – Saturday 28th November. I’m going, come!
London Modular Meet – December 5th 2015
More info on the Facebook page – https://www.facebook.com/events/1645820745706480/
Official Serge Eurorack DIY!
We are very pleased to announce that Random*Source plan to offer a range of Serge DIY modules in Eurorack format. These designs combine the original Serge circuits with the advantages of today’s technology in the popular Eurorack format. This range is produced in collaboration with and under licence from Serge Tcherepnin himself.
The first module to be released is a Panel/PCB set of the legendary Serge Extended Variable Resonance filter (VCFQ). We look forward to revealing more to you in the coming weeks and months.
Maker.ie kits for beginners
Dublin based Maker.ie have a new trio of Eurorack modular DIY kits that are focussed completely on DIY beginners. A really nice approach and a great way to get started in modular synth DIY.
Radio Music back in stock
Hot Glue and Paths
A big week for two of our best-selling manufacturers, we have the much anticipated Hexinverter Mutant Hot Glue Mixer/Compressor/Distortion module, in both Full Kit and Panel/PCB forms (and a restock of the other Mutant Drums too).
We also have the innovative and deep new PATHS module from RYO, a really nice approach to tricking out a classic cycling sequential switch. The perfect way to combine multiple sequencers and CV sources together, but it’s also clockable by very high clock rates and CVable with full audio range. Check it out here.
Humpback and T-shirts
We have two new releases today; Firstly the glorious Humpback Multimode VCF from new company GOD’s BOX; secondly a limited edition run of Premium Thonk T-Shirts for the summer.
Rebel Technology now in stock
Manhattan Analog SVVCF now in stock
We’re now stocking the MA SVVCF Filter Panel and PCB set, we have a restock of the Penrose Quantizer and the Circuit Abbey Tick kit too.
We also have some brand new 4U panels in from Charlie at Loudest Warning; the Stroh Ultrafade VCO and Stroh Pico VCO.
Don’t forget…
We still have our special offer on Toppobrillo PCBS, buy the Eurorack Panel for either the Triple Wavefolder (TWF) or Buchla 281 clone and get the Toppo PCBs completely free! There is no limit on size of order, read more here.