Archaea Loki is a dual-oscillator analog mono-synth voice module. It is a normalled semi-modular architecture with 16 jack sockets for patching inputs and outputs. It can be used as a standalone desktop synth in a powered skiff, for example, the 4MS Pod20. Loki has multiple modulation inputs and options, including an LFO mode, hard-sync, AM, FM and VCF key tracking. It can provide a wide range of ‘acid’ sounds using its glide, envelope CV (accent) input, sub-oscillator, overdrive, dual-mode resonance, hard-sync and second oscillator.
- Oscillator one: saw, and pulse outputs, glide with output, PWM, FM, sub-oscillator with mix
- Oscillator two: saw and triangle outputs, LFO x2 and audio-rate modes, hard-sync, sync to gate
- Filter: SSI2144 based design, two resonance modes, two audio-rate modulation inputs, aux input, drive, sine-oscillator mode
- Envelope generator: drone, window and attack-release, level input
- Amplifier: two audio-rate modulation inputs for AM
- Default signal path and 16 patch connections
- Width: 20HP
- Depth: 32mm
- Power Consumption: 93 mA +12V, 79 mA -12V, 6 mA 5V
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