CCTV – Immutable Peaks – Full DIY Kit

£100.00 (Excl. VAT)

Full size, black panel clone of Mutable Instruments’ classic open source multi function signal generator and drum synth

All SMD comes pre-soldered!

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SKU: Kit_CCTV_Immutable_Peaks Categories: , , , Brand: , HP Size: 8 HP


Videos above demonstrate the original Mutable Instruments version of the open source Peaks. The CCTV clone is functionally identical.

Immutable Peaks is a clone of Mutable Instruments’ best-selling open source multi function signal generator.

Immutable Peaks provides 4 different functions in a small 8-HP package: ADSR, LFO / Tap tempo LFO, and drum synth.
Their common point? They are all about generating an audio or CV signal in response to a trigger.

Peaks is a dual-channel module – making it very useful for duophonic patches or for controlling/synthesizing the kick/snare rhythmic backbone of a patch.


ADSR envelope generator

  • Segment durations ranging from 0.2ms to 8s.
  • Quartic attack, exponential decay, exponential release.

LFO and tap-tempo LFO

  • 0.03 Hz to 160 Hz.
  • 5 basic waveforms: square, triangle, sine, stepped, random.
  • Waveform variations and morphing for each of these: PWM, slope, folding/harmonics, step size, interpolation.
  • Phase at reset control.
  • Tap LFO can lock onto irregular rhythms.

Drum synth

  • Channel 1: 808 kick model with extra parameters (tune, punch).
  • Channel 2: 808 snare model with extra parameters (tune, decay).
  • Channel 2: A specific combination of settings transform the snare into a modelled 808 hi-hat.

+4 Hidden Modes!
Hold the FUNCTION button for one second (it starts blinking). Peaks now provides four alternative functions instead of envelope/LFO/tap LFO/drum generation. These functions are:

  • Mini step-sequencer (4-step in twin mode, 2-step in split mode)
  • Trigger delay/shaper
  • Trigger stream randomiser
  • Digital drum synth

SMD is all preassembled, leaving only the through-hole parts to assemble – pots, jacks, LEDs, and buttons. The firmware has been pre-flashed.

Estimated time to solder is about 1 hr, and a build guide is available to walk you through the process

Immutable Peaks – Build Document | User Manual (linked is Mutable Instruments’ full open source manual and project files. CCTV’s version of Peaks is identical in terms of control layout and functionality)


  • Width: 8HP
  • Depth: 20mm
  • Power Consumption: 60 mA +12V, 2 mA -12V

Additional information

Weight 0.095 kg
HP Size

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