Infinite Digits – Nyblcore – Full DIY Kit

£27.00 (Excl. VAT)

A tiny attiny85-based audio warper!

Only 2 left in stock

SKU: Kit_Infinite_Digits_Nyblcore Categories: , , , , Brand:


Nyblcore is a tiny attiny85 based lo-fi sample player device for DIY enthusiasts.

Powered by a single AAA for ~5-8 hours of battery life and holding 8 kb of storage for up to 1.2 seconds of 8-bit audio sampled @ 4.2 khz.
Nyblcore is controlled with three multi-functional knobs that modulate tempo, volume, distortion, and fx for audio warping (jump, retrig, stutter and stretch).
It boasts the ability to load custom firmware / audio using an Arduino or an AVR usb programmer.
Nyblcore is open-source and wonderfully hackable.

Further information and audio samples can be found on Infinite Digits’ page here!

Limitations = Possibilities

the tiny size of Nyblcore is both its strength and its limitation. the limited memory and storage space only allow for a small amount of audio and effects. additionally, the tempos may not be entirely stable and there is no external sync, but this can also be seen as an opportunity to embrace the unpredictability and randomness of the device.

Nyblcore – Build Document and User Guide



Additional information

Weight 0.019 kg