The Moon Phase is a Stereo 12dB/octave state-variable multimode filter with a powerful imaging technique to enhance and alter the stereo field.
Patching a single signal into the left input will run it through both filters, but a separate right input is available for processing an existing stereo signal path or two separate mono signals. A single frequency knob will set the base cutoff point for both filters, with a span control that will spread both peaks further apart in either direction.
Moon Phase features eight different filtering modes. Each of the eight modes will switch between various combinations of filter types for the left and right channels, such as Dual Lowpass, Lowpass/Notch etc. (see manual for more details). There is also a CV input for mode which allows for stepping through filter modes like a sequential switch, things can also get wild when feeding this input audio rate signals.
Unlike many other filters, Moon Phase does not self-oscillate with high resonance settings. When the resonance control is pushed to maximum it will distort and modify the sound in other ways. The resonance behaviour is always affected by the Stereo Imager control, which applies phase shifting and can add distortion and other interesting artefacts into the sound.
Build Document | User Manual – All SMD parts come pre-soldered!
- Simple DIY build. All SMD parts come pre-soldered.
- Stereo filtering with multiple filtering types
- 12dB/oct slope
- Eight filtering modes
- Stereo imaging spreads the signals in a stereo field
- Left and right inputs with level controls
- Resonance doesn’t self oscillate, even at high settings
- Width: 14HP
- Power consumption 82mA@+12V, 63mA@-12V