Sebsongs – Odds – Full DIY Kit

£89.00 (Excl. VAT)

Generative melodic looping sequencer

SKU: Bundle_Sebsongs_Odds Categories: , , Brand: HP Size: 4 HP



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ODDS is a generative melodic looping sequencer for the Eurorack format. It generates notes based on random probability, and it is designed to be as musical as possible while maintaining a very direct and minimalistic interface. ODDS enables you to set a probability to generate random notes within a given octave, scale and chord structure.

A LOOP switch allows the sequencer to either be set to indefinitely generate random notes, or be set to loop the last up to 64 steps. The V/OCT input acts as transposition within the chosen scale, making it easy to create chord progressions.



  • Width: 4 HP
  • Depth: 25 mm
  • Current draw: +31 mA / -5 mA
  • Gate output voltage: 5V
  • CV output voltage range: 0-7V

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HP Size

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