Sebsongs – Sampler – Full DIY Kit

£125.00 (Excl. VAT)

Live sampling intuitive 12-bit audio mangler!

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SKU: Bundle_Sebsongs_Sampler Categories: , , Brand: HP Size: 8 HP


The Sebsongs Sampler is an intuitive 12-bit audio recorder and manipulator designed for short loops and one shots. Sounds can be recorded either with the built-in microphone or a mono input jack, which can handle a full range of signal levels, from a regular laptop or smartphone right up to modular level. The Sampler has granular control of the recorded audio and you can play around with pitch, forward and reverse, start position and loop length (or connect cv/gate to any parameter) to open up a world of interesting sounds!

In LOOP mode, press and hold the sample switch to record and let go when you want to stop recording. If the start slider is all the way down and length slider all the way up, and pitch also all the way up, it will play back what you recorded and loop it. Move the start slider to make time stretch kind of sounds. Or move the length slider down to shorten the loop.

When not in LOOP mode, recording works the same. But to get playback, connect a gate or trigger to the RESET input to trigger the sample. Set start position and playback length with the sliders.

Recording time when pitch is at maximum is around 3.5 seconds going down. Lower pitch i.e. sample rate means longer sampling time with a max time of around 12 seconds with the pitch knob at ’12 ‘o clock’. Any changes to the pitch knob made while recording will be recorded in to the buffer allowing for pitch fluctuations and tape stop effects. When you reach the end of the recording buffer the sample button LED will dim down.

Sampler – Build Document | User Manual


  • Width: 8 HP
  • Depth: 40 mm
  • Current draw: +106 mA / -12 mA
  • CV input range: +/- 5V
  • Gate input voltage: 3,3-10V
  • Sample rate: ~40 kHz down to 10 kHz depending on pitch setting
  • Bit depth: 12 bit

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